Friday, February 17, 2012

Plath's Background

  • Sylvia Plath was born in Boston USA and grew up in a comfortable middle-class home.

  • She went to university in Boston and Cambridge, England. Plath was an excellent student. She suffered a nervous breakdown in college. She recovered but depression remained a big problem for her.

  • Many of her poems are a terrifying record of her depression.

  • At Cambridge University she met and married the British poet Ted Hughes. They settled in England and had two children. Then the marriage ended‘Child’ shows Plath’s tender feelings for her infant child and her mental illness. She committed suicide at the age of thirty in 1963, two weeks after she wrote this poem.
  • Plath's Creation

    bright and happy:
    ‘Your clear eye is the one absolutely beautiful thing’.
    -dark and depressed:
    ‘this dark ceiling without a star’
    B. Figurative Language
    In the third stanza there are also contrasting images of aging.
    The word ‘wrinkle’ refers to the creases, folds or lines that age and worry cause to the skin. It is negative aging.
    The word ‘classical’ means traditional and time-honoured. It is positive aging.
    The poet contrasts the two types of aging: ‘Wrinkle’ means to age poorly, ‘classical’ to age well. Note that both these words rhyme.
    -Alliteration [the repetition of first letters]:
    ‘without wrinkle’.
    The ‘w’ sound here shows alliteration. This alliteration emphasises the perfectly smooth skin. Note how ‘w’ connects ‘wrinkle’ to ‘wringing’ in the last stanza.
    Assonance [repetition of vowels]:
    ‘colour and ducks,
    the zoo of the new’.
    Note the ‘u’ sound repeated four times here:
    the ‘ou’ in ‘colour’,
    the ‘u’ in ‘ducks’,
    the ‘oo’ in ‘zoo’
    and the ‘ew’ of ‘new’.
    This musical touch enhances [adds to] the meaning.
    Depression in your dreams can relate to your walking life.
    In this poem, Sylvia Plath expresses tender love for her infant. She longs to satisfy her child’s longing for beauty and fun in life. Plath then reveals her own bleak miserable mood at the end of the poem.
    allude to the absence of intelligence, language and emotion in her life.
    (religion ) refers to the title
    B. Tone -Bitter (Exhibiting strong animosity as a result of pain or grief.)
    Expressed throughout the whole poem
    C. Figurative Language
    Metaphor- "My heart within me like a stone"
    -"My life is like the falling leaf; "

    Repetition- the word (No)
     have no wit, I have no words, no tears;
    -Rhyme Scheme- ABABCDCD
    When you are bitter with someone or something call on god and ask for " A Better Resolution "
    In this poem  Plath  is bitter with something or someone and she has alot of greif so she calls on God to quciken her, as the reader feel that Plath foreshadows her suicide.
    A.Tone -  Hatred  & gloomy throughout the poem- infertility means you cannot concieve children
    B.Figurative Language 
    -Metaphor : My landscape is a hand with no lines,
    C.theme- Motherhood
    the poem, describes the way infertility has rendered her body aimless and horrible. Her womb, like a dried-out plant, "rattles its pod." Her body is a knot, lines turned back on themselves instead of leading to the future, making it unnatural, "Ungodly as a child’s shriek." All her body can produce is the blood of menstruation, which signifies her own death, and a surreal and horrifying landscape "gleaming with the mouths of corpses."
    A. Tone -Contemptuous
    B. Figurative Language-
    Allusion -
     The unspecified fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that Eve was tempted to eat by the Devil has traditionally been depicted as an apple. Eve was severely punished for eating just one apple – the person feels sure she must have eaten the whole bagful!"
    Most significantly of all, the apple reminds the reader of the Biblical consequence of Eve’s origin sin: God punished Eve with the travail of childbirth. “Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children.” (Genesis 3: 16)
    C.Theme- MotherHood

    Sylvia Plath’s “Metaphors” is about a woman feeling insignificant in the midst of a pregnancy.
    The first line gives an opening introduction to the poem that gives a clue to the overallmeaning to the poem.The nine syllables and nine lines of the poem signify the 9 months of being pregnant.  For example In line two , the narrator states that she is an elephant and a ponderous house. This line expresses how she feel about her pregnant body.

    AN UNBORN CHILD :written By Domonique
    Time is moving quickly
    the day is almost her !
    cant wait to see your smile
    I know its very rear
    I have so much to tell you day after day
    when you arrive i will name you sugar bear
    two weeks later when I went to peak on you
    horrified to see you turned blue cold as ice
    stayed up all night saying why,why,why
    God I just want my child back
    is this a dream or a lie ?

    A. Tone-Excited to Depressed
    B.Figurative Language-
     Repetition - Why' Why ' Why
    Simile- Turned Blue cold as Ice
    C.Theme -Nostalgia " Motherhood
    D. Interpretation
    My poem was about
     a mother who was going to give birth to a child but when she went to the doctors and check up on the baby she saw that she turned blue & died . I wrote this poem because it connects with various of plath's poems